Visit of our midwife Lorraine.

It was a great surprise to see Lorraine again! She visited us today to check if everything was fine and to perform the newborn blood spot screening test on Louisa in order to identify rare but serious conditions like Phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, sickle cell disorders, cystic fibrosis and Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency.
Alan helped Lorraine to do the test as I didn’t want to pass my fear of needles to Louisa. They put her feet in a bucket of warm water and then took blood from her foot. All went very well without any screaming! She is hopefully not like me 😉 Great!
We also talked about breastfeeding clinic that may help us.

I called back the hospital to get the results of my blood test and all is fine! No need to go back there for the time being. What a great relief! We are going to celebrate that 😉

Visit of our midwife Lorraine.

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