We went to London by train to register the birth of Louisa and get her passports in the Brazilian and French consulates.
In the Brazilian consulate, all went pretty well. We have to wait the birth registration before being able to apply for her Brazilian passport. We should receive it with 21 days by mail.
At the French consulate, we had two appointments booked: first for the birth registration at 12.20am and the other one for the passport at 2pm. All went surprisingly quite smooth… except for the choice of the family name of Louisa!!! At her birth registration in Cambridge, there were no problem at all to call her Pajon-Silva, neither at the Brazilian consulate but for the French nothing can be like everywhere else. The law is the law as the staff there said… and apparently the “law” says that she cannot be called Pajon-Silva but only Pajon–Da Silva. Can you believe it? Anyway… there was no way to discuss but I would really like to see this really unusual “law” about family name. The good new is that we should be able to get her passport in two weeks, so now we are sure to be able to travel to France for Christmas 🙂 But we have to go back there to pick it up with Louisa!