We decided that we needed a doula this time around… no more retained placenta with manual removal in theater without support!
I’ve found Sarah Ockwell-Smith on http://www.doula.org.uk and contacted her, but she was not available… she instead sent an email to the list of doulas on the web site to know who may be available at the end of October.
Sam Sheppard replied the next day, she seems lovely and we will meet her on Monday. Her doula profile is http://www.doula.org.uk/utilities/userServices/user_profile.asp?userId=827.
Here is what I wrote to her on that day:
“We are a family of three, Louisa (almost 2,5) was born at home in October 2007 with a wonderful help from Alan, my husband. But we went to hospital due to placenta retention, and it has been for me a traumatic experience. We did not have a doula the first time around, and we thought that this time we need extra help! I am about 9 weeks pregnant and the approximate due date should be the end of October. For the moment I am not feeling that well, I am tired and have nausea all day long. Pretty normal I suppose, but not very nice!”